
A meadow of poppies and daisies


No Mow May 2023

The University is taking part in No Mow May. This means certain central lawns that would normally be cut are going to be left to grow throughout May.

May is a crucial month for flowering plants allowing them to get established and provide nectar for pollinators and other invertebrates. Just 8 dandelion flowers are enough to produce the nectar sugar needed by a bumblebee each day.

A big thank you to the Graphic Design students that created the No Mow May signs you will see on campus, and to the Conservation Society who will be surveying our wilder lawns.    

We would love to hear your feedback through the form linked below.

Timeline panel

Creating spaces for people and planet

The Canterbury Campus is 300 acres of woodland, grassland, amenity areas and ponds. The Landscape and Grounds Team are responsible for its management, however, we all have a role in protecting this space and the wildlife that we share it with. Please take some time to explore the campus (Coming soon - nature trail information) and make a note of what you see. 


It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty, the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.”

David Attenbourough


For conservation to be sustainable it can't be just about doing the actual conservation work, but doing it in a way that works for people and communities."

Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
A bumble bee feeding on a purple Verbena

Biodiversity Forum

The University of Kent Biodiversity Forum is made up of students and staff from across the University to discuss and lead on Biodiversity projects that will enhance our campuses. The forum also ensure that those responsible for biodiversity enhancement and protection on campus are held to account and are progressing with the University's commitments in the Landscape and Biodiversity strategy. The forum is currently looking for representation from the Medway campus, so if you are a student or staff member based there, then please get in touch with us at 

Terms of Reference