International Marketing - BUSN5440

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Module delivery information

Location Term Level1 Credits (ECTS)2 Current Convenor3 2023 to 2024
Spring Term 6 15 (7.5) Mona Rashidirad checkmark-circle


This module will introduce students to the key concepts, theories and issues involved in international marketing. In doing so it will enable students to understand how to identify and evaluate opportunities in international markets and assess the different market entry modes available to companies. In addition students will consider the need to adapt marketing mix elements for different international markets. Indicative topics of study are as follows:

• Introduction to international marketing: Definitions, theories, approaches and motives.
• International Marketing Research
• Assessing international markets: The political and economic environment
• Assessing international markets: The Sociocultural environment
• Theories and frameworks for International market evaluation and selection
• Market entry modes: export, intermediate and hierarchical
• International marketing plans and strategy: Segmentation, targeting and positioning
• Designing the global marketing mix: Product, pricing, communication and distribution decisions


Contact hours

Total contact hours: 21
Private study hours: 129
Total study hours: 150

Method of assessment

Main assessment methods
Online MCQ Test(s) (20%)
Group Presentation (20%)
Individual Report (3000-4000words) (60%)

Reassessment methods
100% coursework

Indicative reading

Ghauri, P.N and Cateora, P. (2010) International Marketing, Third Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.
Hollensen, S., (2010) Global Marketing: A decision-orientated approach, Fifth Edition, London: Financial Times, Prentice Hall
Keegan, W.J. and Greem, M.C. (2013), Global Marketing, Seventh (Global) Edition, London: Pearson

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

Learning outcomes

Intended Subject Specific Learning Outcomes:
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
- demonstrate a systematic awareness and critical application of the key concepts, theories and issues in international marketing;
- demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the role of international marketing in the firm and the global business environment;
- understand how to research and analyse the environment in a foreign market at both the micro and macro levels;
- identify and consider appropriate market entry strategies for different international markets;
- critically evaluate and interpret information and data sources to select a country for market entry, based on a "real company" brief;
- evaluate market entry modes and marketing strategies;

Generic Learning Outcomes:
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
- critically assess and evaluate the relevance of international marketing theory within a range of contexts;
- demonstrate analytical skills by linking theoretical perspectives to contemporary organisational situations;
- articulate complex arguments;
- communicate effectively to a variety of audiences and/or using a variety of methods.


  1. Credit level 6. Higher level module usually taken in Stage 3 of an undergraduate degree.
  2. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  3. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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