Digital Marketing Strategy - BUSN5870

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Module delivery information

Location Term Level1 Credits (ECTS)2 Current Convenor3 2023 to 2024
Autumn Term 5 15 (7.5) Desmond Laffey checkmark-circle


This module aims to develop a critical understanding of the role of digital marketing in modern organisations. The module considers what digital marketing strategy means looking at a range of examples across business sectors. Core areas are looked at including the technologies which make digital marketing possible, the relationship between digital marketing strategies and the wider organisation, the key issues in the development and implementation of digital marketing strategies and the threats, security and other, posed by digital marketing.
Some topics are:
Enabling technologies for e-commerce: The Digital Marketing Environment, Digital Marketing Strategy; The Internet and the World Wide Web; Mobile platforms; Dot com and multi-channel; Social Media and Web 2.0; Database and data warehouses; Web site design and management; Marketplaces; B2B Digital Marketing; Business Models and Innovation.


Contact hours

Total contact hours: 22
Private study hours: 128
Total study hours: 150

Method of assessment

Main assessment methods:
VLE Test (20%)
Individual Report – 1000 words (20%)
2 hour exam (60%)

Reassessment method:
100% exam

Indicative reading

Chaffey D., Mayer D., Johnston K and Ellis-Chadwick F. (2012) Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice 5th Edition, London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Chaffey, D., Smith, P. (2008) eMarketing eXcellence. Planning and optimizing your digital marketing. San Diego: Butterworth Heinemann,.

Reynolds, J. (2012) E-Business – A Management Perspective, Oxford: Oxford University Press,

Zott, C and Amit, R. (2010)' Business Model Design: An Activity System Perspective'. Long Range Planning, 43 (2-3). pp. 216-226.

Bailey, J.P., and Bakos, J.Y. (1997) 'An Exploratory Study of the Emerging Role of Electronic Intermediaries'. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1 (3). pp. 7-20.

Furnell, S. (2007) 'Making security usable: Are things improving?', Computers and Security, 26(6), pp. 434-443

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

Learning outcomes

The intended subject specific learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
- understand the threats, security and other, posed by digital marketing
- demonstrate both knowledge and understanding of how the Internet and other platforms (e.g. mobile) support digital marketing
- apply underlying business and marketing concepts to understand the relationship between digital marketing strategy and the wider organisation
- critically evaluate how digital marketing strategy differs across business sectors
- critically assess the key issues in the development and implementation of digital marketing strategy
- demonstrate a critical appreciation of the importance, and limitations, of business models in digital marketing strategy

The intended generic learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
- plan, work and study independently using relevant resources
- organise and present analysis as a considered viewpoint
- find, select, organise and synthesise complex information
- contribute effectively to organisational decision-making
- prepare for a career involving digital marketing
- work in interdisciplinary areas


  1. Credit level 5. Intermediate level module usually taken in Stage 2 of an undergraduate degree.
  2. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  3. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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