Microcomputer Engineering - EENG5600

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Module delivery information

Location Term Level1 Credits (ECTS)2 Current Convenor3 2023 to 2024
Combined Autumn and Spring Terms 5 15 (7.5) Moinul Hossain checkmark-circle


This is a highly practical module that starts with a typical programming language environment suitable for microcontrollers, looks at software engineering issues, methods for the programming of a 32-bit microcontroller and concludes with the input/output of data using polling and interrupts. There are supporting practical sessions (Laboratory and PC Workshops).


Contact hours

Total contact hours: 40
Private study hours: 110
Total study hours: 150

Method of assessment

• Programming assignment 1: 25%
• Programming assignment 2: 25%
• Intro to microcomputers assignment: 25%
• Microcomputer laboratory assignment: 25%

Indicative reading

• Toulson, Rob (2017) Fast and effective embedded systems design applying the ARM mbed, Oxford: Newnes

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

Learning outcomes

On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
1. demonstrate a working knowledge of a programming language for microcontrollers;
2. demonstrate experience of developing microcomputer applications;
3. demonstrate a working knowledge of software engineering principles.


  1. Credit level 5. Intermediate level module usually taken in Stage 2 of an undergraduate degree.
  2. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  3. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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