
Poster of the SDGs and SDGs badges on a table


Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals across the University

FutureProof is the University of Kent's response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and builds on the successes of Green Impact and Green15 engaging staff and students to help deliver a University of the future. FutureProof provides a framework, challenging and supporting each University department to review their impacts against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and working to create positive change.

FutureProof aims to inspire individuals, departments and the whole University community to take action in ensuring that our estate, our curriculum and our students are ready for the future.

After launching in June 2018 FutureProof is celebrating it's second birthday with an annual report showcasing all the amazing projects that sustainability champions from across the University have been working on.

Featured story

How does FutureProof work?


The sustainability team will engage with each department to promote the project and identify what benefits it could bring to that department. We will also work with that department to identify a key individual that can act the department’s Sustainability Champion.

The Sustainability Champions are the key to the projects success therefore training is at the heart of the project. A series of workshops will run throughout the year on key issues e.g. climate change, resource use, supply chains, food, etc… There will also be skills workshops that focus on communication, leadership, marketing, systems thinking and problem solving.  For these skills workshops sustainability will be used as the theme, however, these skills are transferable to a wide variety of workplace needs for staff and students.

Once a champion is in place the sustainability team will work with the champion to design bespoke actions and objectives for the department based on the department's impact, priorities and timescales.


Students can get involved with FutureProof through volunteering opportunities, FutureProof Projects in their Schools, engaging with student societies and groups or bringing projects forward themselves to the Sustainability Team. You can find out who your School's Champion is on our Sustainability Champions page, or view current opportunities and groups on our Get Involved page.

Featured story

Sustainability Champions

Sustainability Champions will lead and facilitate actions within their department. Get in touch with your local Sustainability Champion and have a chat with them about what they are currently working on as they always welcome enthusiastic colleagues who can help them. If there is not champion in your department perhaps you are the person we are looking for! Get in touch with the Sustainability Team to find out more!

Workshops and Events