
Dr Epameinondas Katsikas

Senior Lecturer in Accounting,
Director of Studies for Healthcare Management
+44 (0)1634 888832
Dr Epameinondas Katsikas


Dr Epameinondas Katsikas is a Lecturer in Accounting at Kent Business School, University of Kent. He holds a BSc degree in Accounting from Strayer University, USA, an MBA degree from Leicester University, UK and has graduated with a PhD in Accounting from Durham University Business School, UK. Before starting his PhD, Epameinondas worked in the private and the public sector in business administration and the field of accounting. 

Previously he was an accountant in the private sector, finance officer in the finance department of a Greek university and also had his accounting practice. Epameinondas has taught previously at Durham University Business School, Oxford Brookes University Business School at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 

Research interests

Management accounting, the effect of change in management accounting systems, performance measurement, accounting innovations, public sector management, institutional change and benchmarking.

Currently, Dr Katsikas focuses on the role of a management accounting change and institutionalisation in public sector organisations. Further, he is interested in analysing the impact of change dynamics on the change process of management accounting systems. He has published his work in international peer-reviewed journals and presented parts of his work at international conferences.


Dr Katsikas' teaching interests lay in the area of management accounting, financial accounting, performance measurement, change, benchmarking, financial statement analysis and management control systems.


Potential doctorate students should have an accounting and business-related background and also some mathematical skills. It would be rather helpful if they had experience in academic writing and research.

Supervision Topics

  • Financial risks and CSR policy
  • Financial CSR projects
  • Management accounting
  • Performance measurement, public and private sector
  • Public sector accounting, NPM
  • Management accounting changes and innovations
  • Sustainability reporting

Current Supervisees 

  • Muntaser Melhem: Evaluation of the use of human resources performance ratios as managerial accounting techniques in minimizing cost cuts related to human resources in developing countries: a case example of Jordanian Banks. 


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