Post-16 activities

Post-16 activities

Talks, workshops and activities for students studying post-16

In-school or college events and activities

Our programme of in-school or college activities introduces students to a range of academic subjects, assists them with their UCAS applications and helps them to develop the skills needed in higher education. They are suitable for all students in years 12 and 13 or studying on Level 3 programmes.

Please note that the times listed are purely advisory and we are happy to tailor our session durations to your needs, while similarly if you would like to combine any session topics we will be happy to do so. To book an activity for your students, please email the relevant team (contact details are featured at the end of each activity). 

Duration: 45 minutes

Suggested time of year: October – March

Gatsby Benchmarks: 1 ,2, 3, 4 and 7

This talk gives your students an overview of higher education. We’ll cover a range of topics including the benefits of going to university, how to choose a course, the UCAS process and student finance. This talk is a good all-rounder for parents’ evenings too.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: September – February

Gatsby Benchmarks: 2 and 7

This session looks at the career-related and academic motivations for going to university, as well as the personal opportunities and benefits for your students. It will get them thinking about their study options and where university could take them.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: Year 12: September – June 1, Year 13: September – November

Gatsby Benchmarks: 3 and 7

Great opportunities, excellent teaching and an inspiring and supportive place to live and learn. Help your students reach their academic potential at the University of Kent. We'll introduce them to our stunning campuses as well as share the range of courses and facilities that make us an exciting place to study.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: Year 12: October – July, Year 13: September – December

Gatsby Benchmarks: 3 and 7

In this session your students will learn how they can thrive in a student community. From joining clubs and societies, to living away from home and meeting new people, we explore what the student experience is all about.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: Year 12: September – June, Year 13: September – November

Gatsby Benchmarks: 1 ,2, 3, 4 and 7

With 35,000 + undergraduate courses to choose from, it’s no wonder students have a hard time making their course choices. We’ll provide your students with practical tips on how to use league tables effectively, do the nitty-gritty course research and identify the differences between campus and city universities.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 45 minutes

Suggested time of year: Year 12: September – June, Year 13: September – November

Gatsby Benchmarks: 1, 3 and 7

Knowing how they are going to fund their studies is often a big worry for students as they prepare for university. It could be a barrier for them when it comes to making an application. This talk will explain government loans and other funding, provide financial tips and tools for independent living and help to bust some student finance myths to put their minds at ease.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: December – March

Gatsby Benchmarks: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7

This talk explores the skills and attributes your students will develop at university and the ways in which they can gain an employability edge through extracurricular activities. We’ll provide an overview of the graduate job market and look into placement year and work experience opportunities that will help them stand out.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: October – January

Gatsby Benchmarks: 1, 3 and 7

In this session, your students will learn what comes next in the UCAS timeline, including how to make their final choices and respond to offers, what happens at an applicant event and how they can navigate results day and Clearing.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: December – March

Gatsby Benchmarks: 2, 3, 5 and 7

Some universities will require interviews for certain courses while others like to meet students face to face. This talk will cover how to approach university interviews, what admissions officers are looking for and how your students can put their best foot forward in terms of preparation.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 30 minutes

Suggested time of year: Year 12: October – July, Year 13: September – December

Gatsby Benchmarks: 1, 3 and 7

The personal statement can be the hardest part of the UCAS application for students. To help them get going, this session explores structure, content, the dos and don’ts and the tricky opening line. We’ll also provide insight into what universities are looking for. The workshop will give students an opportunity to put their learning into practice and critique some example personal statements.

To book this activity, please email

  • Delivered with UCAS and personal statements or A general guide to university talks
  • A chance to look at real previous personal statements, ranging in quality

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 25 minutes

Suggested time of year: Year 12: October – July, Year 13: September – December

Gatsby Benchmarks: 2 , 3 , 7 , 8

This presentation offers an overview of degree apprenticeship schemes as an alternative to traditional university study. The talk addresses what kinds of opportunities are available, life as an apprentice, average salaries and application processes, as well an objective comparison of degree apprenticeships versus university.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 25 minutes

Suggested time of year: Year 12: October – July, Year 13: September – December

Gatsby Benchmarks: 3 , 7 , 8

This presentation offers information about the benefits of studying locally, including some examples specific to studying at Kent. Topics covered include commuting to campus, student finance and socialising and is aimed at students considering remaining at home while studying.

To book this activity, please email

Duration: 1 hour

Suggested time of year: Year 12: January - July, Year 13: September - November

This interactive talk is the first (in a series of three) of our Journey to Uni programme. It is designed to help students navigate choosing a higher education course and decide on which university might be best for them. This talk is part of a progressive curriculum, and complemented by the other two talks in the series, however it can be delivered as a stand-alone session. 

The Journey to Uni programme is complemented by our Year 12 Exploring University visit day on our Canterbury campus. Details can be found in our on-campus events and activities section.  

To book this activity, please follow the link to our booking form

For further information, please contact

Duration: 1 hour

Suggested time of year: Year 12: January - July, Year 13: September - November

This interactive talk is the second (in a series of three) of our Journey to Uni programme. Students will be guided through the UCAS application system, gaining tips on completing their application and writing their personal statement.  This talk is part of a progressive curriculum, and complemented by the other two talks in the series, however it can be delivered as a stand-alone session. 

The Journey to Uni programme is complemented by our Year 12 Exploring University visit day on our Canterbury campus. Details can be found in our on-campus events and activities section.

To book this activity, please follow the link to our booking form

For further information, please contact

Duration: 1 hour

Suggested time of year: Year 12: September – June, Year 13: September – November

This session is the third (in a series of three) of our Journey to Uni programme.  

Knowing how they are going to fund their studies is often a big worry for students as they prepare for university. It could be a barrier for them when it comes to making an application. This talk will explain government loans and other funding, provide financial tips and tools for independent living and help to bust some student finance myths to put their minds at ease.

The Journey to Uni programme is complemented by our Year 12 Exploring University visit day on our Canterbury campus. Details can be found in our on-campus events and activities section.  

To book this activity, please follow the link to our booking form

For further information, please contact

Working in partnership with schools and colleges

At Kent, we believe that anyone with the academic ability to study at university should have the opportunity to do so. To encourage young people to embrace the value of higher education, we have established relationships with over 45 non-selective secondary schools and three further education colleges in Kent.

On-campus events and activities

Inviting students on to campus for interactive events is a great way to familiarise them with University life. We show them the quality of the facilities available and introduce them to a different style of teaching.

Delivered in one of the University's libraries, this session is designed for students in post-16 education who are undertaking a research task. The day can include a session on research sources and referencing and provides an insight into the extensive library facilities available on a university campus.

To book this activity, please follow the link to our booking form. For further information, please contact

This programme is run over a sustained period and is designed to help young people in year 12 in Kent and Medway to explore the opportunities and challenges offered by higher education. 

Eligibility criteria applies.

Find out more about the Succeed Programme.

Duration: One day activity

Suggested time of the year: We run multiple visit days between February and May. 

Part of our Journey to Uni programme, students on this visit day will experience an immersive and fun day on our Canterbury campus. Supported by our student ambassadors, they will explore the extra-curricular side of university life, and have an opportunity to investigate what they might like from their own university experience. 

For available dates, please contact

Upcoming events

Online events and activities

Our online activities are designed to help your students explore their options and to make informed choices about their future.

A self-guided activity which focuses on helping students to develop the skills and knowledge needed to meet the challenges of sixth-form learning. Uni Connect schools only.

Please email for more information.

This session explains the purpose of the UCAS reference, explores how they are used by universities, and provides tips on how to prepare the content.

This webinar provides advice on guiding students as they create their personal statements, including tips on best practice and things to avoid. There is also an opportunity for Q&A following the presentation.

This webinar covers the three main questions about finance that students ask when considering higher education: how much does it cost, how do I pay for it and how do I manage my money?