Student voice

There are a range of opportunities for you to give feedback, so you can find the right way for you. Let the University and Kent Union know what you think. Together we can make positive changes.

Speak to your school Academic Adviser

You can speak to a member of staff or your Academic Adviser if you are having a problem. Academic Advisers have been introduced across all academic schools to provide you with individual advice and guidance to maximise your academic and personal development.   

Complete your module feedback forms

Feedback to your course leaders and change your course for the better. Staff value your opinions. Let them know what is working for you and what could improve your learning experience.

Complete key surveys

Make sure to complete key surveys in the Spring Term, such as:

The results of these surveys help feed into university policy so don't miss out on the opportunity to share your experience. 

Kent Union

Kent Union are your students' union, representing the student voice since 1965. 

Kent Union logo
Kent Union.

Contact your Kent Union Officers

Kent Union Officers are full-time elected students who work to represent you. Your 2023 officers are:

  • Zaid Mahmood: Students' Union President  
  • Matthew Bangura: Vice-President Academic Experience
  • Toni Abiodun: Vice-President Student Engagement
  • Thomas Freeston: Vice-President Welfare and Community
  • Ben Bradley: Vice-President Postgraduate Experience

Your KU Officers are there to help with any issues at both Canterbury and Medway campuses. 

Academic Experience Reporting Tool

Kent Union has launched a reporting tool to allow you to quickly feedback on your academic experience at Kent. 

Kent Union Student Networks

Kent Union have a number of Student Networks to ensure your voice is represented- LGBTQ+, BAME, Faith, Women's, Accessibility, Team Kent, Activities, Mature and part-time, International, Sustainability, Postgraduate and Academic. Student Networks as a way for you to feedback to both the Union and the University.

If you're based at Medway you can also check out the Medway Networks

Submit an idea to Kent Union's 'ChangeIt' platform

Got an idea for something you want to change on campus? You can submit your idea to ChangeIt. Your idea will be reviewed and if plausible it can be voted on by other students. If it reaches enough votes, Kent Union will work to implement your idea!

Change It logo
Kent Union.

Contact your Kent Union Student Rep

Student Reps act as the link between the student body, Kent Union and the University. Each course and stage of study will have a rep. You can go to your Student Rep if you have any queries or suggestions about your course.

Two students holding board that says "I am a Kent Union Student Rep" and smiling
Kent Union.

Kent Union Parliament

Kent Union Parliament is the highest student-led decision-making body within Kent Union.

Kent Union Parliament meets regularly throughout the academic year to provide a platform for students to:

  • Discuss important issues facing students
  • Approve student-led policy ideas submitted through our online ideas platform ChangeIt!
  • Shape union policy and provide input into how your students' union should be run
  • Hold the Students' Union and full-time officers to account on the delivery of the Student Priorities
Last updated